
Appreciate that you are ascending in your own emotional journey and awareness of Self.

You will naturally bump into experiences and situations where your current reality & agreements do not match your new state of awareness.

Thus – we continually communicate with each other to confirm realities & intentions. From those discussions & reflections, we renegotiate with others and ourself.

So while we can get frustrated at events that happen to affect us, could it possibly be that those situations were placed for us as guidance?

Helping us to identify where we are no longer to put our creative energy? Helping us to see what relationships are no longer serving us?

Sometimes the Truth is so bright, we have to throw on shades to take it all in. We develop a story to help us process its meaning.

Akin to sunglasses, the story that our Ego attaches lead to trouble. It impresses a veil over our experience. It will consistently grab ahold of the wheel, any chance that you let it.

We can easily become hard-headed, sure of ourselves and what we believe we know.

The issue with this: we can get complacent, distracted, or forget all together that we have sunglasses on. Many of us are walking around wearing them all the time – even inside (shame!).

When we have an experience that knocks them off (shifts our perspective), we tend to get emotional.

But don’t let it prevent you from realizing that you can now see there was more to the picture than what your old perspective offered, possibly clouded by Ego.

This is Guidance. This is Awareness. Who is guiding or Where it comes from is a different (but fun) discussion.

This next part is the most challenging decision you’ll make, but also the most freeing. When life shakes the boat for you, witness it.

Trust the experience. Trust that you don’t need all the answers.

Trust your abilities. Trust that you will find what you’re looking for. Trust your abundance.

You don’t need another story, externalized god, or religion to help you make sense of it. 

This is more of the man-made rules & agreements sold to you, promising to help you “connect” to something that you’ve been sold is missing. Another layer of the Matrix.

The Truth is that you’ve never been separate from it. You ARE it.

The power you have is your ability to CREATE with it.

Ask questions. Set intentions. Carry forth. Work with others who are seeking, just as you are.

Any time you feel yourself projecting scenarios, The secret question to ask yourself – “and then WHAT?”

This tames the dissonance we have with the current situation, in relation to an anticipated future.

It centers us. It brings us back to the NOW. It puts us back into a proactive state, rather than being reactive to life.

The things that have happened have happened. Don’t give away your power to thinking, believing, and articulating that they should have happened differently.

Simplify your operating system. Utilize what has been given to you. Trust that it was placed FOR you, rather than to you. Make your decision and accept the feedback.

We’re all here for you.

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